So this past week brought two awesome products to my attention: ERD Commander which allowed me to recover a completely dead installation of Windows 2000, and PC Inspector Smart Recovery which allowed me to retrieve my photos from the camera. I’ve now uploaded some of the pics from Oz for you to look at … not much because I was always the one taking the picture. The excitement from this particular trip was the phenominal restaurants which I got to eat at, going snorkelling with Rob, and seeing my first shark in the wild (albeit not too large). I guess I didn’t fill you in too much on that trip, but it was so fast it seemed like I was hardly there. The first day Rob, Dan and I drove south two hours for fish’n chips – ask me about it sometime. That night we did the zippity quick tour of the aquarium, then crashed. Keep in mind that I had not really slept in almost 48 hours. Then on Friday, Rob and I wandered over through Manly and enjoyed the water, views and some excellant Mexican food.
Did I mention that Heidi and I were in Nova Scotia this past weekend for a well overdue visit home? It was excellant to sit at 130 MacKay street and relax even though the weather was less than perfect. Oh yes, lots of news coming up about trips, our house and the baby! But we’ll save that for next week. Smile.