I’ve uploaded some pictures from this years hike up Mt Katahdin. The disappointing thing is that you really can’t get a sense of the scope and grandeur of where we actually were. It’s obviously quite a hike with snow well below where we were, but the pictures don’t nearly do justice to actually making the climb. If you’ve never done this one, I highly recommend it. We usually climb Cathedral and cross over the Knife’s Edge, but this year we went up Hunt’s Back. Although the hike was much longer, the scenery was probably a little better with incredible horizon shots.
The house! Heidi and I have put in an offer on a small (but cozy) home in Southern New Hampshire and its been accepted. While it probably won’t be a house that we will stay in for the long term, its wonderful just to have a place that we can call home. I guess I shouldn’t be counting chickens yet because we still have financing and almost two months to close, but the big hurdles (terms agreement, inspections) have already been passed. When I have some time, I’ll post some pictures.
Guess what? We’re off to Spain tomorrow for seven days. We’re staying on the east coast in a small town called Denia. We really don’t have any idea of plans or anything like that, but it will be good to just sit back and relax a little. I don’t know how often we’ll be doing that after the baby comes.
The baby? Oh yeah … Smile!