Year: 2000
Chaotic Relaxing
It was wonderful to be home for three days, even if it was only for a few short days. There’s nothing quite so wonderful as playing on the living room floor with your sister or reading to her about the turtle that was always late. Or just sleeping in your own bed, or sitting down…
Public Outrage
I’ve received several questions from people who wanted to know what happened to the Here’N Now section of my website. My initial thought was to eliminate it and only update this main page, but due to public outcry (should I be a politician), I will keep an archived record (link below) of the previous six…
Site Changes
So why would I want to change the look and feel of my site when there seems to be no good reason for doing so? Good question. I was sitting here bored and with nothing else to do, so I thought I would pull out the crayons, sit down on the floor, and draw some…