Year: 2004
Quick One to Australia
So this past week brought two awesome products to my attention: ERD Commander which allowed me to recover a completely dead installation of Windows 2000, and PC Inspector Smart Recovery which allowed me to retrieve my photos from the camera. I’ve now uploaded some of the pics from Oz for you to look at ……
Well …. let’s see now … still not too much happening in our lives. Ouch! Heidi just hit me. Apparently she thinks that expecting our first child is big news. 🙂 Yipper. That’s right. It’s kind of hard NOT to be floating on air after finding out the most wonderful news that we’re expecting in…
Expenses to Come
Long time – no update. I have to say that there hasn’t been all that much happening that is of consequence. Let’s see, hockey is done for the season, spring (summer?) is here with a temperature today of 88 degrees, I’ve been out on my bike this week for the first time this year, we’ve…