“I would like to officially file a complaint. There is a web site danberall.com that had been of interest. But of late, ……..bore……….. I have been checking faithfully for over a month and NO updates, NO pictures, NO anything! What’s with that!!?? If you see the administrators of this web site, could you find out when I can expect an update and some new pictures of Jake. I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.”
It seems as though some of our readers are upset about the time periods in between each update. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. It is not our intention to keep you in suspense of our lives, or to hold back pictures of our growing boy or our adventures. If you are still unsatisfied, feel free to call our complaint department between the hours of 12:00am and 12:01am. Oops, looks like you missed it for today! ๐
There hasn’t been much exciting happening in our lives of late, so updates didn’t seem needed. Danny’s travel has slowed down considerably, basically to nothing, but work still keeps him busy. Jake is running all over the place, trying to talk but mostly sounding like a seagull! And the baby is now making its presence known to the outside world at 21 weeks.
The pictures should be pretty self-explanatory of our recent escapades. We had a truly marvelous time with Shawn and Lynn. Getting snowed in so our flight was delayed was great as we got to spend extra time with them. Now we have to go back when it’s not winter…which month is that?