Ideally, this first post to grace the homepage of the rarely updated website would be about something outrageously awesome or spectacularly interesting, and while our lives are sometimes punctuated by amazing events, it is typically normal and generally boring.
To that end, here’s a glimpse into the lives of the #5 Allans. Danny, the hardest working guy I know, has endured more upheaval and discouragement at work then most should in his position. Despite the mental toll that takes on him, the commute from his office to the main floor of our house is all the change of scenery he needs to be surrounded by noise, dirty children, a jumping puppy, left-overs, and a disheveled wife and it really puts his work life in perspective. I won’t go as far as to say he immediately retreats back upstairs, but he’s usually on a whole other level than the rest of us 😉
Speaking of ‘whole’, Jake was just here for a quick visit, making our family complete again, though the homecoming this time was due to nostalgia and not homesickness. He wanted to be present for the NEACS basketball tournament in which his sister’s team and his former team participated. You may or may not know this about Jake, but he doesn’t ever need a megaphone, so whoever allowed him to bring one to the games needs their head examined. Despite his ability to outtalk everyone, Jake managed to allow the other fans opportunities to cheer along, following his lead through the bullhorn. It was great fun for all involved and his time home was too short– as always.
As a newly licensed driver, Isaac is now able to bring himself to work and classes at the community college without disrupting my day, which is wonderful for me for two reasons. One, I no longer have to leave the house each and every time he needs to be dropped off or picked up, and two, it causes me to be in prayer more as this rookie driver takes to the streets. His love of all things computer hasn’t died down and we never have to make sure his homework in gaming or programming classes has been completed. Often, he’s working on the homework while the class is still in session and he likes to show the professor more efficient ways to write code. His sense of humor is appreciated here at home, but his Public Speaking professor may need to dig deeper in search of that appreciation. When asked to present a speech that was either a toast or a eulogy, Isaac gave a toaster eulogy. If you want to hear it, ask Isaac for a recitation. Hopefully it causes a spark of joy in your life as you observe his appliance of humor and wit.
Ellie was on the aforementioned basketball team that made it into the tournament and it has been a real pleasure watching her grow into her own person outside of the homeschooling walls she’s been living within. Making friends, trying new sports, and starting up a new instrument has this baby teen busy and hardworking. When she’s not sleeping, she should be, but we have all learned to live with her, and for the most part, it’s a pleasant experience. The most recent challenge for Ellie has been to give up sleeping in on Saturdays in order to attend orchestra rehearsals. Having just picked up the violin this September, it was a real surprise that her audition into the intermediate level orchestra was accepted. Now the state champ hangs up her basketball shoes and picks up her bow in preparation of the May concert.
Anna. Oh, Anna. She’s sweet and sassy and silly and filled with a servant’s heart. Her current love is our puppy, Java, and it has caused Anna to add yet another potential career of dog trainer/breeder to her already dictionary-long list of possibilities. Her time is spent drawing, playing violin and with Java, collecting rocks and coins, rock and tree climbing, rollerblading, writing stories, hanging out with siblings and friends, avoiding school work, listening to music, and trying to keep her room clean, though sharing with Ellie makes that a nearly impossible task, yet somehow, she manages to find time to quietly help out around the house when no one is looking. Though her left arm was spent in either a cast or splint during the entirety of the fall, she was undeterred in all her pursuits and also made it into the intermediate level youth orchestra. Come listen to her and Ellie play on May 13th!
What do you get when you dump a load of optimism in a bowl, mix in a little bit of illogic, add humor, grate some strangeness, whisk in a dash of impulsivity, and sprinkle cheer over it all? James! He really is his own person who is trying to find his place in the world. While he’s certainly guilty of coming up with some pretty odd ideas, he remains unperturbed, happy, and generous to a fault. I get the biggest greeting and hug from James every morning when I come downstairs for the day before we both get plowed over by Java. He will be playing baseball for the first time this spring, so we’ll find out if he’s the kid picking dandelions for his mom or knocking them out of the park.
How it is possible that our baby is almost seven is beyond me. Caleb has been fun and adorable at every stage and is becoming a chatterbox like his look-alike older brother, Jake. If we could harness his energy, we’d be able to power our whole house and then some. While it can be exhausting being the mother of such an extroverted, energetic young child, I know that I’ll get rest one day. And that day may come sooner than I would have imagined, as I was told by him not too long ago that if he died and could bring one thing with him it would be me! That’s a lot of love right there, but I’m going to sleep with one eye open just the same.
If you aren’t too disinterested already by our dull lives, I’ll just finish off with a boring bit about me. I remain as ever a teacher, chauffeur, chef, cheerleader, laundress, hostess, librarian, personal assistant, nurse, secretary, friend, mother, and wife. I complete these jobs with exhaustion, ineptitude, naivete, and a lack of grace but I balance it with frustration, impatience, and stress just to keep things from being too mundane.