Author: Danny
48 Hours in Germany
News? Shmooz? One month after we’ve moved into the new house and I can’t really say that it’s even started. We did manage to paint most of the downstairs three times now (the first color didn’t quite work and then we needed two more for correction), but that is as far as we’ve gotten. The…
Expenses to Follow
I really should upload some pictures, but I’m not at home at the moment and if I don’t update now, I fear it shall be some time before I get around to this. I know it has been a while since there has been an update, but there has been much going on. Heidi and…
Spanish Vacations
Pictures of Spain should now be in. They’re not as incredible as the ones we took in the Azores, but it was still a fantastic trip. We spent four days over on the Mediterranean, visiting between Denia, Alacante and Valencia. These were mostly sun-soaked days of reading books on the beaches, but we did some…