Author: Danny

  • Vrrooom!

    That long lull I had in travel from Christmas through till the March 31 has come to an end with several trips this month and next. Last week, Heidi and I were up in Ottawa until Saturday, and I was in Cleveland OH yesterday and today. I was supposed to be in Washington tomorrow, but…

  • Old Haunts

    Sorry about not getting this update done yesterday, but it was a busy and full day. Heidi and I came up to Ottawa on Lord’s Day night in time for gospel and then went out with the YP here that evening. Yesterday was a very full day with racing to finish some things up at…

  • Rays of Sunshine

    Heidi and I had a wonderful weekend these past few days with Shawn and Lynn and children coming up to visit us. It wasn’t nearly as warm as it was for the past week with temperatures dropping so low as to bring snow last night, but we still went for some walks around some of…