Author: Danny

  • No Fixed Address

    So I just got to experience my first quarter end. When I say that, I mean that the company that I work for has pressure to make a certain target and sales in order to meet projected earnings. I suppose that sometimes this might not be at all fun, but this time it was both…

  • Exciting Stuff

    What a week this past week was. I now know that the environment between the Academic world and a Software Development world is completely and one hundred percent different, but not in a bad way. You might say that the learning curve is almsot vertical, but not impossible to climb. IN fact, I very much…

  • Learning Curves

    And here I’ve been working for the company Watchfire now for over a week. I was afraid I might lose this site through the University, but it doesn’t look like I will, at least in the near future. Should it ever be taken from me, I will attempt to give a one week notice and…