Author: Danny

  • Nothing

    Continuing on the thought from last week, I believe that Joseph needed to realize that he was nothing. In Genesis 40:8, he says, “Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you.” Although at first glance this might not seem wrong, I believe there was a progression in his life until the…

  • Thoughts

    I’ve missed almost a month now of updates for no better reason than that work has been extremely busy. Oops. I apologize. You know for certain that there can be no good in this. I believe that there must be something very wrong when work becomes the primary focus of my activities. “When Christ, WHO…

  • Balance

    Spring was here for a week or so. One whole week of wonderful glorious weather – sunshine and warmth. But alas, the remainder of this week is supposed to be more rain and cold. That’s OK though. We certainly need the rain as this is one of driest winters on record and the water levels…