Category: Uncategorized
Vacation Days
Another year and the crazy travel months of March, April and May are behind us. This year witnessed a reduction in travel because of little Ellie, but I still managed to make it to London, San Francisco and Las Vegas twice in a four week period. Thankfully, that is all behind us. We’ve just finished…
Cave Diving Mexico
So it’s done – I’m now fully cave certified. In the last week, I racked up some pretty high numbers: 17 dives, spending slightly more than 20 hours under water, and swimming in the neighborhood of 19 to 20 miles. Nothing like a lot of bottom time to build muscle memory. I had two purposes…
The Trouble with Ticks
The trouble with ticks? Last year, we had the very wonderful job of pulling two ticks out of Jake over the course of the year: one from his arm and one from his scalp. This year however, we’re under siege. Whether or not it is the unseasonably warm weather or not, we’ve had the very…